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Expungement Power Event
Viernes, Marzo 17, 2023, 09:00am - 05:00pm
Accesos : 124
Contacto Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

To be Pre-Screened for expungement eligibility, please email your name, DOB, and last 4 digits of your SS number to: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Bring ID to the event

Masks are required

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged; walk-ins may be assisted if time permits

On-site services: social services, energy assistance program


**if you have open criminal charges and/or have been on probation or parole within the last 5 years, you will likely not be eligible to file at the seminar**

Localización 352 S. New Road, Pleasantville, NJ 08232
@ Mount Zion Baptist Church- Pleasantville