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Historic Preservation Commission
Miércoles, Marzo 15, 2023, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Accesos : 136
Contacto Lisa D'Alessandro 609-347-5403 | Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Atlantic City Historic Preservation Commission
Notice of Hearing

In compliance with the pertinent provisions of the City of Atlantic City Historic Preservation Ordinance
notice is hereby given that a written application has been filed for Historic Landmark Designation of the
Atlantic City YMCA located at 1315 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey. A copy of the nomination
report is available for public inspection at the Atlantic City Planning & Development Department Offices,
1301 Bacharach Boulevard, 5th Floor, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Public hearing on the above-mentioned application has been scheduled for March 15, 2023, at 1 pm in
City Hall Council Chambers, 1301 Bacharach Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Atlantic City, New Jersey at which time
any interested member of the public will have an opportunity to be heard.

Additional questions or to make arrangements to review the application on file should be directed to Lisa
DAlessandro, 1301 Bacharach Boulevard, 5th Floor, Atlantic City, New Jersey at 609.347.5403 or

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Localización Council Chambers, City Hall- 1301 Bacharach Boulevard, 2nd Floor- Room 206