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Bankruptcy & Student Loans
Miércoles, Abril 12, 2023, 10:00am - 11:00pm
Accesos : 112
Contacto Robert J. Cooper, Esq., 856-403-9691

Will Bankruptcy help? Can I discharge my student loans? Is there a hardship discharge? What would I have to show to receive a discharge?


Robert J. Cooper, Esq. will give an overview of the treatment of student loans in bankruptcy. There will be a Question and Answer period at the end of the webinar.

A representative from the South Jersey Legal Services, Inc. Private Attorney Involvement Program will explain how you can get assistance through our Bankruptcy Project.

This is an informational webinar only. Individual cases will not be discussed. This webinar is FREE and open to the public, but registration is required.

Localización virtual (Zoom)-
Register at the link below, or click the flyer for QR code