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Energy Assistance Day | Dia de Asistencia de Energia
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 11:00am - 02:00pm
Hits : 122

Energy Assistance Day hosted by Atlantic City Electric and South Jersey Gas will bring together New Jersey utilities, community partners, and agencies to one location to help customers in need of assistance with their utility bills | Dia de Asistencia de Energia, organizada por Atlantic City Electric and South Jersey Gas, reunira servicios publicos, socio comunitarios y agencias de todo New Jersey en una ubicacion para ayudar a los clientes en necesidad de asistencia con sus facturas.

Ahora es tu oportunidad de obtener la ayuda que necesita, asi como ver si usted es elegible para inscribirse en un plan de pago o presupuesto.

What to expect:

-1-on-1 utility account consultations.

-Opportunity to enroll in payment plan/budgets if applicable.

-Energy Assistance application processed onsite by agency representative.


What you need:

-identification for all members in your household (social security cards, birth certificates, proof of US citizenship OR legal residency)

-proof of income (earned and unearned)

-copy of lease or mortgage

-most current energy bills

-public housing/rental assistance

Documentos requeridos para aplicar:

-copia de contrato de arrendamiento o hipoteca

-las facturas de gas y electricidad mas actuales

-carta de discapacidad

-ultimos 4 talones de pago si le pagan semanalmente

-todas las tarjetas de identificacion para los miembros del hogar

-tarjetas de seguro social para todos en el hogar

Location Oceanside II Family Success Center- 3201 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Brought to you by Atlantic City Electric
South Jersey Gas
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This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services FY2022 American Rescue Plan Application ARPML-250854-OMLS-22.

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