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Love Shouln't Hurt | El Amor No Debe Doler
Thursday, February 09, 2023, 06:00pm - 07:30pm
Hits : 135

Door Prizes And Giveaways including Apple Airpods! | Tendremos sorteos y premios incluyendo audiofonos Apple Airpods!


In recognition of National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, this virtual discussion will explore what a health relationship looks like and the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship, which can include not only physical and/or sexual violence, but also more subtle behaviors such as emotional and verbal abuse, manipulation and control, and digital abuse.

En reconocimiento al mes de la Prevencion Nacional Contra la Violencia en el Noviazgo Adolescente, ofreceremos una charla virtual que explorara como es una relacion sana y las enales de una relacion toxica, en cual incluye no solo la violencia fisica pero tambien comportamientos como el abuso verbal y emocional, la manipulacion y el control, el abuso y acoso en redes sociales y medios digitales.


Join us for a virtual discussion hosted by EmPoWER Somerset and the EmPoWER Youth Advisory Board featuring speakers from Safe + Sound Somerset.

Los invitamos a esta charla virtual presentado por EmPoWER Somerset, El Comite de Jovenes Asesores de EmPoWER, y representantes de la agencia Safe and Sound Somerset.

**This event is open to middle and high school students and their parents/caregivers. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. | Este envento es para estudiantes de escuela intermedia y secundaria y para padres o tutores**


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Institute of Museum and Library Services

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services FY2022 American Rescue Plan Application ARPML-250854-OMLS-22.

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