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Summer Lunch & Learn | Aprendiendo y Almorzando
From Tuesday, June 27, 2023 -  12:00pm
To Thursday, August 31, 2023 - 02:00pm
Hits : 193

Join us for Summer Fun! | Unansenos para Diversion de Verano

Tuesdays & Thursdays | martes y jueves

For kids & parents! | en el AtlantiCare Healthplex

Free lunches will be distributed for children ages 3-18 and their accompanying parents/guardians. Daily activities and education available for the whole family | Se distribuiran almuerzos gratuitos para ninos de 3 a 18 anos y sus padres guardianes que les acompanen. Todos los dias habra actividadse y education disponible para toda la familia

Please wear a protective mask while indoors and follow social distancing guidelines | por favor utilice una mascarilla de proteccion mientras esten en espacios cerrados y siga las normas de distanciamiento social

All Summer Long | Todo el Verano

-activities for kids & teens | actividades para ninos y adolescentes

-parent education | educacion para los padres

-opportunities to win prizes | oportunidades para ganar premios

No ID Required | No se Requiere Identificacion


Families must register at | Las familias deben registrarse en:

Location AtlantiCare Healthplex- 1401 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
No ID Required | No se Requiere identificacion
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City of Atlantic City

Institute of Museum and Library Services

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services FY2022 American Rescue Plan Application ARPML-250854-OMLS-22.

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